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All lectures are managed through LMS (Lecture Management System) in KIT. Refer to this link.

Graduate Courses

AEA303 : 로봇자율주행 (Autonomous Driving Robot)

MTC008 : 인공지능1 (Artificial Intelligence 1)

MTC017 : 인공지능2 (Artificial Intelligence 2)

IGG156 : 지능로봇특론 (Intelligent Robotics)

IGG112 : 칼만필터링특강 (Special Topics with Kalman Filtering)

IGG179 : 스마트 공장을 위한 지능형 로봇 및 응용 (Intelligent Robotics and Applications for Smart Factory)

IGG186 : 스마트 공장을 위한 인공지능 기반 예지정비 (Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction Maintenance for Smart Factories)

IGG189 : 스마트공장을위한PBL+프로젝트1 (PBL+ Project 1 for Smart Factories)

Undergraduate Courses

EL5030 : 창의설계프로젝트1 (Creative Design Project 1)

EL5036 : 창의설계프로젝트2 (Creative Design Project 2)

EL5038 : 인공지능 (Artificial Intelligence)

EL5047 : HDL 설계 (HDL Design)

EL5022 : 제어공학 (Control Engineering)

EL5043 : IT실용프로젝트2 (IT Practical Project 2)

EL5005 : 전자회로 (Electronics)

BA0026 : 공학수학2 (Engineering Mathematics 2)

BA0025 : 공학수학1 (Engineering Mathematics 1)

BA0017 : 전공SW기초 (Basic Computer Software)

BA0029 : 확률과 통계 (Probability and Statistics)